Tugas 7 Bravo 2103015233 Boolean dan Karnaugh Map


Nama: Bravo Marvel

Kelas: 2B

NIM: 2103015233

Rangkuman Boolean dan Karnaugh Map

Standard Forms of  Boolean Expressions

Sum of Product (SOP) Form

The sum-of-products (SOP) form is a method (or form) of simplifying the Boolean expressions of logic gates. In this SOP form of Boolean function representation, the variables are operated by AND (product) to form a product term and all these product terms are ORed (summed or added) together to get the final function.

A sum-of-products form can be formed by adding (or summing) two or more product terms using a Boolean addition operation. Here the product terms are defined by using the AND operation and the sum term is defined by using OR operation.

The sum-of-products form is also called as Disjunctive Normal Form as the product terms are ORed together and Disjunction operation is logical OR. Sum-of-products form is also called as Standard SOP.

SOP form representation is most suitable to use them in FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays).



(AB) ̅ + ABC + CD E ̅

SOP form can be obtained by

  • Writing an AND term for each input combination, which produces HIGH output.
  • Writing the input variables if the value is 1, and write the complement of the variable if its value is 0.
  • OR the AND terms to obtain the output function.

Ex: Boolean expression for majority function F = A’BC + AB’C + ABC ‘ + ABC

Product of Sums (POS) Form

The product of sums form is a method (or form) of simplifying the Boolean expressions of logic gates. In this POS form, all the variables are ORed, i.e. written as sums to form sum terms.

All these sum terms are ANDed (multiplied) together to get the product-of-sum form. This form is exactly opposite to the SOP form. So this can also be said as “Dual of SOP form”.

Here the sum terms are defined by using the OR operation and the product term is defined by using AND operation. When two or more sum terms are multiplied by a Boolean OR operation, the resultant output expression will be in the form of product-of-sums form or POS form.

The product-of-sums form is also called as Conjunctive Normal Form as the sum terms are ANDed together and Conjunction operation is logical AND. Product-of-sums form is also called as Standard POS.


(A+B) * (A + B + C) * (C +D)

(A+B) ̅ * (C + D + E ̅)

POS form can be obtained by

  • Writing an OR term for each input combination, which produces LOW output.
  • Writing the input variables if the value is 0, and write the complement of the variable if its value is 1.
  • AND the OR terms to obtain the output function.

Ex: Boolean expression for majority function F = (A + B + C) (A + B + C ‘) (A + B’ + C) (A’ + B + C)

The Karnaugh Map

l  Provides a systematic method for simplifying  Boolean expressions

l  Produces the simplest SOP or POS  expression

l  Similar to a truth table because it presents all  of the possible values of input variables

The Karnaugh map (KM or K-map) is a method of simplifying Boolean algebra expressions. Maurice Karnaugh introduced it in 1953, as a refinement of Edward W. Veitch's 1952 Veitch chart, which was a rediscovery of Allan Marquand's 1881 logical diagram aka Marquand diagram, but with a focus now set on its utility for switching circuits.Veitch charts are therefore also known as Marquand–Veitch diagrams,and Karnaugh maps as Karnaugh–Veitch maps (KV maps).

The Karnaugh map reduces the need for extensive calculations by taking advantage of humans' pattern-recognition capability.It also permits the rapid identification and elimination of potential race conditions.

The required Boolean results are transferred from a truth table onto a two-dimensional grid where, in Karnaugh maps, the cells are ordered in Gray code, and each cell position represents one combination of input conditions. Cells are also known as minterms, while each cell value represents the corresponding output value of the boolean function. Optimal groups of 1s or 0s are identified, which represent the terms of a canonical form of the logic in the original truth table. These terms can be used to write a minimal Boolean expression representing the required logic.

Karnaugh maps are used to simplify real-world logic requirements so that they can be implemented using a minimum number of logic gates. A sum-of-products expression (SOP) can always be implemented using AND gates feeding into an OR gate, and a product-of-sums expression (POS) leads to OR gates feeding an AND gate. The POS expression gives a complement of the function (if F is the function so its complement will be F'). Karnaugh maps can also be used to simplify logic expressions in software design. Boolean conditions, as used for example in conditional statements, can get very complicated, which makes the code difficult to read and to maintain. Once minimised, canonical sum-of-products and product-of-sums expressions can be implemented directly using AND and OR logic operators.

Questions & Answers


1. What is the primary motivation for using Boolean algebra to simplify logic expressions?


A.        It may make it easier to understand the overall function of the circuit.

B.        It may reduce the number of gates.

C.        It may reduce the number of inputs required.

D.        all of the above

Answer: D

2. How many gates would be required to implement the following Boolean expression after simplification? XY + X(X + Z) + Y(X + Z)


A.        1

B.        2

C.        4

D.        5

Answer: B

3. AC + ABC = AC


A.        True

B.        False

C.       I Don’t know

D.       Maybe

Answer: A

4. When  are the inputs to a NAND gate, according to De Morgan's theorem, the output expression could be:


A.        X = A + B

B.        X = AB

C.        X = (A)(B)

D.        X = ABC

Answer: A

5. Which Boolean algebra property allows us to group operands in an expression in any order without affecting the results of the operation [for example, A + B = B + A]?


A.        associative

B.        commutative

C.        Boolean

D.        distributive

Answer: B

6. When grouping cells within a K-map, the cells must be combined in groups of ________.


A.        2s

B.        1, 2, 4, 8, etc.

C.        4s

D.        3s

Answer: B

7. Use Boolean algebra to find the most simplified SOP expression for F = ABD + CD + ACD + ABC + ABCD.


A.        F = ABD + ABC + CD

B.        F = CD + AD

C.        F = BC + AB

D.        F = AC + AD

Answer: A

8. The NAND or NOR gates are referred to as "universal" gates because either:


A.        can be found in almost all digital circuits

B.        can be used to build all the other types of gates

C.        are used in all countries of the world

D.        were the first gates to be integrated

Answer: B

9. The truth table for the SOP expression  has how many input combinations?


A.        1

B.        2

C.        4

D.        8

Answer: D

10. Converting the Boolean expression LM + M(NO + PQ) to SOP form, we get ________.


A.        LM + MNOPQ

B.        L + MNO + MPQ

C.        LM + M + NO + MPQ

D.        LM + MNO + MPQ

Answer: D

11. A Karnaugh map is a systematic way of reducing which type of expression?


A.        product-of-sums

B.        exclusive NOR

C.        sum-of-products

D.        those with overbars

Answer: C

12. Which of the following combinations cannot be combined into K-map groups?


A.        corners in the same row

B.        corners in the same column

C.        diagonal

D.        overlapping combinations

Answer: C

13. An OR gate with schematic "bubbles" on its inputs performs the same functions as a(n)________ gate.


A.        NOR

B.        OR

C.        NOT

D.        NAND

Answer: D

14. Which of the examples below expresses the commutative law of multiplication?


A.        A + B = B + A

B.        AB = B + A

C.        AB = BA

D.        AB = A × B

Answer: C

15. The expression W(X + YZ) can be converted to SOP form by applying which law?


A.        associative law

B.        commutative law

C.        distributive law

D.        none of the above

Answer: C

16. The commutative law of addition and multiplication indicates that:


A.        we can group variables in an AND or in an OR any way we want

B.        an expression can be expanded by multiplying term by term just the same as in ordinary algebra

C.        the way we OR or AND two variables is unimportant because the result is the same

D.        the factoring of Boolean expressions requires the multiplication of product terms that contain like variables

Answer: C

17. Which of the following is an important feature of the sum-of-products (SOP) form of expression?


A.        All logic circuits are reduced to nothing more than simple AND and OR gates.

B.        The delay times are greatly reduced over other forms.

C.        No signal must pass through more than two gates, not including inverters.

D.        The maximum number of gates that any signal must pass through is reduced by a factor of two.

Answer: C

18. Which of the following expressions is in the sum-of-products (SOP) form?


A.        (A + B)(C + D)

B.        (A)B(CD)

C.        AB(CD)

D.        AB + CD

Answer: D

19. One of De Morgan's theorems states that X+Y = X.Y. Simply stated, this means that logically there is no difference between:


a NOR and an AND gate with inverted inputs


a NAND and an OR gate with inverted inputs


an AND and a NOR gate with inverted inputs


a NOR and a NAND gate with inverted inputs

Answer: A

20. Determine the binary values of the variables for which the following standard POS expression is equal to 0. (A+B+C) (A+B+C)


(0 + 1 + 0)(1 + 0 + 1)


(1 + 1 + 1)(0 + 0 + 0)


(0 + 0 + 0)(1 + 0 + 1)


(1 + 1 + 0)(1 + 0 + 0)

Answer: A




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